I am truly sorry I haven't updated the blog for days and I'm going to be
honest and tell you what is going on. First of all, I'm working full time at my summer job and it takes a lot of energy (though i'm loving it!) and I finish late every working day. Not to mention that I'm working towards getting my drivers licence now in August. That takes time... then i also have family, friends, places to go to, prepare for the next year in University and of course while doing all of that also take care of myself. Now, I'm not completely off internet... (that just isn't right) I'm tweeting a lot => @ucurmi so you can follow me there ;)
Wise words now... well, i've been having a rough... rough time with my emotions and some people are better than other at this but I'm going to leave with this short message:
"We do not quit playing because we grow old,
we grow old because we quit playing."
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Have a great day and heed the wisdom :)