The only thing I want is to be in love with you to spend a lifetime just watching your mouth speaking the words that captivate me
I only want to forget the world, forget everything I've ever known
The only thing I want is to be in love with you to watch each day pass by like seconds on a clock that never runs
I want to find myself in you to become what I have longed for you are my inspiration though it seemsyou're much too much...
I don't deserve itI only want to feel your touch, the touch of an angel that guides me home when I am lost and gives me love when I feel that I am hated
You are my guardian angel
You are my angel for life perfect in every way don't ever change
I love you...I will always love you___________________Authors comment: Really, there is a meaning to this poem. I'm sure the words within the piece could be changed, but I am quite satisfied with what I have at the moment. Who knows, maybe some day the words will change around a bit, but until then, I'll stick with this. Now, I mentioned before, there is a meaning to this poem. For a few days, I'd say, at least a week or two, I have been feeling very, I guess, loving. It sometimes seems that there is no one out there to give all my love to, but there is one person that I adore and that's who this poem is for, however, I will leave him anonymous, for personal reasons.
Define: Love
Love is a beautiful thing
It is a painful thing
A happy thing
A sad thing
With the wrong person
It could even be a
dangerous thing
Love is what keeps us together
Or what tears us apart
Or simply is just there
Part of our lives
What we think about
Before we go to bed
What we dream about
When we are asleep
What consumes us
When we are alone
Or when we are together
Good or bad
Happy or sad
Dreams or reality
It is part of our lives
It is love