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Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy April!

The month of April has arrived upon us with not only a new season of Game of Thrones but also with the feeling of Spring in the air, a time for renewal. 

Last month or just a few days ago i finished a book that which took me approximately a year to finish and apply to real life. It was a wonderful feeling to close a great read and just appreciate the new gained knowledge from it. So the mission for you this month is to read 1 book (you can read how many you want but just start with one). Visit the library or maybe you have a book that has just been lying on the shelf waiting to be read, open it and read only 15 minutes every day. Now if you are the kind of person that has her/his schedule filled with schoolwork and activities (I am aware of the finals coming up in May) i'm just asking for 15 minutes. You can divide it up or squeeze then in during your "dead time".

The meaning of dead time is when you are, for instance on the bus, train, tram or maybe when you are in the bathroom or taking a bath. When you are on the bus. You can have the book as an audiobook and listen to it and all you gotta do it put aside 15 minutes.

The lesson and learning from this small task is how you will be able to take control and make yourself and your life more productive and also DE-STRESS!

Have a wonderful April and i am going to go and get my computer that has finally arrived from the service centre :) 

Mucho amor,

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