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Thursday, December 27, 2012

People who are so easy to love

People who are so easy to love
are dangerous, those people whose
laughs could fill rooms, fill up balloons
better than helium and keep them 
floating for longer

People who are so easy to love 

are vulnerable, their tears are saltier,
their smiles are wider, their minds are
more colorful than children’s museums
and their hurt is deeper than the 
Bermuda Triangle and the mystery 
inside of it is even greater 

People who are so easy to love

are magic, like Pixie Dust, you can fly
you can fly, you can fly with one touch
and with one conversation they can make 
you feel like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty
just waking up from a slumber, brand new

People who are so easy to love 

are soft because they are fighting with
the world and not against it, and they are
easy to fall back on like feather pillows but
they know how to hold you, like pillars 

People who are so easy to love

are also easy to hate for the details
they possess that no one else does
like the kindness in their voices and 
the way their mouths curl up when
yours does and how, when they leave,
it feels more unfair than anything

And people who are so easy to love

are hard to leave and be left by because
they make you need them and their danger
and magic and softness and when they are gone,
it is hard to stop loving them and the reasons
you did stick to you like glue, even if they didn’t 

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