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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Important Questions to Ask Yourself

Time to time it is always good to ask yourself questions.
 Take the list i've found on the net and evaluate yourself,
 who knows - it might help you in 2013 :) 

1. What is holding you back; if not now, when?

2. How would you live your life if you knew that no-one was judging you?

3. Are you holding on to anyone or anything that you should let go of?

4. What have you done that you are proud of, and is worth remembering?

5. Do those you love know that you love them? Have you told and shown them?

6. What makes you smile, or is a true source of joy?

7. When was the last time you took a risk, or had the courage to try something new?

8. What makes you lose yourself, and lose all track of time?

9. If you could do it all over again, what would you change, or do differently?

10. Are you living your best life? If not, what do you need to change?

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