Her collection of Quotes, Poems, Sayings from all corners of the world. Read, Enjoy, Share! :)

Sunday, December 30, 2012


1. Hope shines brightest when the night is darkest.

2. Hope hangs in there and renews our will to fight when we feel discouraged and we want to give up.

3. Hope relights our fire and renews our energy when we’re feeling tired, worn out and weak.

4. Hope refuses to give up – despite the cynics and naysayers, the pragmatists, the realists, and those who “know what’s best”!

5. Hope patiently keeps waiting and listening for the answers.

6. Hope pushes through the pain when no one’s there to help.

7. Hope endures hardship as it sees the goal ahead.

8. Hope keeps on smiling as it knows that it will win; it just requires patience, and the will to persevere.

9. Hope reaches for answers when others say “give up”.

10. Hope provides the courage and the strength we need to make the most of life, and do our best, and live our dreams.

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