Her collection of Quotes, Poems, Sayings from all corners of the world. Read, Enjoy, Share! :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What would you do

If I told you I loved you what would you say?
Would you be willing to come run away
From the people and stares and glaring eyes
To a brand new world and our paradise?
Would you be willing to sail across the sea
If that meant the rest of your life with me?
Would you look at me with joy and love 
As we realize each other is a gift from above?
Would you whisper sweet nothings into my ear,
Try everything to keep me near?
Or would you just back away
Afraid of the world and what it might say?
Would you look at me like I lost my mind?
Would you make me wish life had a rewind?
Would you look at me with eyes stone cold,
And lecture me about you being too old?
Would you try and tell me this isn’t right
And end our relationship in one last fight?
You say society’s views are twisted,
But what would you do if I told you let’s ditch it?
Why would our love be considered wrong?
Our hearts sing together a medley of a song.
Why can’t we just be happy together?
Does restricting our love really make us better?
The command of love repeats within. 
The Bible never said how love “should begin.”
You try and prevent it with morals and norm,
But since when did we choose to conform?
So what our age gap is eleven?
Trust me that won’t be the thing to stop us from heaven.
Author: link

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