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Sunday, December 4, 2011

the reality behind a picture

What is a picture? It is a moment frozen in time. Once you have clicked it you have captured that moment forever. That picture is special... because of million of reasons and I want to make 3 points of why you should think before opening your mouth about the photo
  • In every picture - even those with, maybe a model, there are at least two people involved. The photographer and whoever/whatever else. It's in duo (=two)! So don't be too fast on judging.
  • People use pictures in many ways, it can be to express themselves and the motive may be dull or blurred - careful before you criticize that shadow might be the only memory they have of that moment.
  • Lastly, the picture is valuable because that captured second, expression, setting will never ever be the same, just try to understand that whatever happens now will never ever come back, its lost forever but in some way still captured

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