Her collection of Quotes, Poems, Sayings from all corners of the world. Read, Enjoy, Share! :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Why is it that we constantly try to have everything together?

We don’t want anyone to see that inside we’re falling apart so we slap fake smiles on our faces and say that we’re merely “tired” or “stressed.”

Why is it that we have to fake who we are just so that we can fit in?

When did not having everything figured out become so shameful?

What’s wrong with crying or falling apart?

It happens to everyone.


So why do we feel like we’re so alone?

I guess it’s cause everyone feels obligated to keep their problems to themselves.

I guess it’s cause we’re too afraid to trust other people when we’re constantly let down.

I guess it’s hard to believe and have hope when so much shit goes on.

In the end though, guessing isn’t going to get anyone anywhere.

In the end, we just have to admit to ourselves and to others that we’re not perfect and that we don’t have it together and that it’s completely fine.

Cause it is.

It’s completely fine to not have everything figured out and together.

I don’t.

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