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Thursday, July 7, 2011

dangerous people

The most dangerous people are not the ones
Who hit you with clubs or rob you with guns.
The robber doesn’t attack you character or trait,
Or tell you that your potentials are limited by fate.
It will be a well meaning friend or coworker
Someone close to you, even a kin
Who means your benefit and merely crushes
Your will to win.
No, they don’t rob you at the point of the gun,
They simply state, in very bold terms,
"It can't be done."
When you point to those who already are,
They smile and say; "they're superior by far
In personality, in skills, and in ability too.
They are way ahead of what you can do"
Their advice is free and fast to come,
Be practical, do things you know-
Don’t undertake new challenges, new ideas
They may require you to grow.
These people judge you by their own experiences,
A result more piercing than the blade of knife,
Their failures, their weakness, their limits-
The bitter harvest of their own life.
It matters not that their reasoning is wrong,
Their words untrue,
For you to feel, surly they must know you.
So, you're robbed of your dreams – your hopes to succeed.
Deprived of so many life joys – you could have received.
Robbed of your faith that says "I am, I can, I will"
Robbed of you spirit,
"I will give it my best; I'll do it…until"
So the deadliest men, is not the one with a gun,
But the ones who convinces you
"It can't be done"
For things taken by burglar, can be restored and acquired anew,
But who can replace you belief
You will to win in you?

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