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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Midnight Muse

I love you a little more everyday,
But I cannot say I'm falling for you,
Since In order to fall for you,
I must trust you to do the same.
Which I don't.
Just Friendship simply was the answer.
Then seven days later you corner me up
Questioning "What if...", "What makes us special?"
Surprised you already don't know but

For once
Tell me what you feel,
Show me that you care,
Prove to me that it is real,
And that life isn't an illusion...
That time isn't an illusion,
Everything is real,
You, me, school, work.

Look me into the eyes
Lift up my chin,
And whisper,
It's all just a dream.

I open my eyes
I woke up,
Finding myself,
Looking into a pair of eyes
Vaguely familiar
I woke up and found myself smiling
It was just a dream,
A dream, it was not real
He was not real
It was just a dream
Girl, thing are sometimes too good to be true

But you just wait
When you're up to nothing
God is up to something

The eyes responded by a bright shine,
Telling me
It has just began,
Now wake up and explore
Life is living for others, give much expect little
And remember to never let anyone 

Change you because you're 
Loved exactly for 
The way you 

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