Her collection of Quotes, Poems, Sayings from all corners of the world. Read, Enjoy, Share! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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 If you have Hatred:
"Let it teaches you how tiring it is to hate another, which eventually make you learn to forgive."

If you have Fear
"Let it be for the ones you love to be lost, so you'll understand just how much they mean to you."

If you have Anger
"Let it teach you how regretful the words blurted out of control & make you learn how to control yourself." 

If you have Greed
"Let it encourages you to always do your best so you'll be able to get the best result for yourself."

If you have Envy
"Let it motivates you to improve yourself and become even more better than you are now."

If you have Guilt: 
"Let it makes you learn to be a responsible person and make up for what you have done."

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